Tasha Plus 3

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Carving our Pumpkins...

It took lots of 'encouragement' to get Kaitlin and Erik's hands IN THE PUMPKIN!!!

Here are all of our pumpkins... Erik's is 'Darth Vader', Kaitlin's is 'Devil', Natasha's is 'Toothy Smile' & Brianna's is 'Baby Smiles' on top. The rest of the family carved too - we had quite the collection to greet our 'Trick-or-Treaters'....

At the Pumpkin Patch...

Here we are at the pumpkin patch...
Gramma, Grampa, Kaitlin, Erik, Auntie Laina & Zachary on the hay ride.

Brianna's 1st pumpkin!!

Like our new duds?!?!

Kaitlin is in Grade 4!!

Wow!! Grade four has really started...and my little girl is growing up so much!

Kaitlin and her friend Brooke - together at the 'Turkey Trot'.

Erik's First Day at Kindergarten...

It was all smiles on Erik's first day at Kindergarten! Here's my proud boy with Mrs. Sukert, who was Erik's 1st choice in teachers - He was so excited when we got the letter in the mail telling us that he would be in her class!! And Ms. McFarland is their student teacher - who, by the way, is awesome...

Baby Brianna is here!!

So here she is! Brianna Lin Johnson was born on August 27, 2008 at 3:05am weighing in at 8lbs, 8oz. She is a very healthy, happy baby and as you can see, big brother and sister are very proud of her!! We're all adjusting well to this little bundle of joy and our hearts just keep on growing...

Look Mom, no training wheels!!

At the end of the summer, Erik decided that he was big enough for taking his training wheels off... So Grampa got out his handy tools and together they started working on this new challenge.

Summer '08 at Aldergrove Lake

Swimming at Aldergrove Lake sure helped with the heat!

And in my very pregnant state I could sit on the sand like a beached whale...

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