Look Mom, no training wheels!!

At the end of the summer, Erik decided that he was big enough for taking his training wheels off... So Grampa got out his handy tools and together they started working on this new challenge.

Summer '08 at Aldergrove Lake

Swimming at Aldergrove Lake sure helped with the heat!

And in my very pregnant state I could sit on the sand like a beached whale...

Natasha's Baby Shower

In July, Laina, Joanne and Mom hosted a baby shower for me. Here we all are - Janine, Chauna, Joanne, Carmen, Shauna, Laina, Carrie with baby Madi, Me and Erik, Hailie (Chauna's daughter), Kathy, Auntie Sandra with Telitha, Lynne, Marion and Mom.
Missing from the photo are Breanne, Kaitlin & Brooke.
My sister Laina made this beautiful cake (which I didn't want to cut up but was delicious and every bit worth it!) Everything was decorated pink and green - my favorite colours for my new baby girl on the way! The day was beautiful, hot and sunny, the games were fun and food delicious but most of all the company was lovingly heart-felt!! I had so much fun and really enjoyed seeing everyone in celebration.....

Just me and the kids...

So here we are...the kids and I back in March '08. Erik has just turned 5, Kaitlin is 8 1/2 and I'm 4 months pregnant!!

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